Concluding the story arc "Our Gang" and "Mister Slimey" set up in Robowarriors issue #6 and 7, "Showdown" is an eleven-page tale that pits Murciélaga against crime boss Señor Baboso and the Pretty Boys. Investigating a local shooting, Murciélaga discovers a more sinister plot and the sadistic mind behind it. Removing the drugs and corruption from the streets of her neighborhood brings her into a confrontation that may be too much for even Murciélaga to handle.
This is Murciélaga's third appearance as a lead character, this installment is part three of a three-part tale begun in Robowarriors #6. All three chapters were combined later into one book for Heroic's release of She-Bat #1 in 1993.
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Any and all artwork displayed herein is © Studio G, Emjee, Dærick Gröss Sr., and/or Dærick W Gröss, and is solely the property of Studio G unless otherwise noted. Murciélaga, She-Bat is © 1987-2010 Dærick Gröss Sr., all rights reserved. Selected comic book samples are © their respective owners, and are posted here for portfolio display purposes only. Questions, comments, suggestions and broken link reports (please) can be sent to: webmaster@studiogart.net.
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