"Let's Do Hollywood" is a game of cat and mouse through Tinsel Town, and gives Gams more definition as a character and villainess as well as refines her focus specifically on Murciélaga. Also in this story is a brief cameo from another CFW character, Shred, who was the title character from another line of magazines from the publisher. Leading She-Bat on a chase through Hollywood, Gams is determined to teach her a lesson. Murciélaga will have to play dirty in order to stop her before both people and landmarks pay the price!
The artwork, characters, stories, etc. displayed here are © Studio G and Dærick Gröss Sr. All rights are reserved, please ask before using our images and property.
Any and all artwork displayed herein is © Studio G, Emjee, Dærick Gröss Sr., and/or Dærick W Gröss, and is solely the property of Studio G unless otherwise noted. Murciélaga, She-Bat is © 1987-2010 Dærick Gröss Sr., all rights reserved. Selected comic book samples are © their respective owners, and are posted here for portfolio display purposes only. Questions, comments, suggestions and broken link reports (please) can be sent to: webmaster@studiogart.net.