"Let's Do Hollywood" is a game of cat and mouse through Tinsel Town, and gives Gams more definition as a character and villainess as well as refines her focus specifically on Murciélaga. Also in this story is a brief cameo from another CFW character, Shred, who was the title character from another line of magazines from the publisher. Leading She-Bat on a chase through Hollywood, Gams is determined to teach her a lesson. Murciélaga will have to play dirty in order to stop her before both people and landmarks pay the price!
This is the second chapter of a two-part story which began in Kung-Fu Warriors #10. The title of this story is originally given as "A Tour Of Hollywood", but was later revised to "Let's Do Hollywood" by the time it saw print. These two stories were reprinted in 2001 as one of the three "flipbook" stories, with minor revisions.
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Any and all artwork displayed herein is © Studio G, Emjee, Dærick Gröss Sr., and/or Dærick W Gröss, and is solely the property of Studio G unless otherwise noted. Murciélaga, She-Bat is © 1987-2010 Dærick Gröss Sr., all rights reserved. Selected comic book samples are © their respective owners, and are posted here for portfolio display purposes only. Questions, comments, suggestions and broken link reports (please) can be sent to: webmaster@studiogart.net.
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