The following list is not meant to be absolute or exhaustive, but is instead a selection of Murciélaga's notable appearances in comics over the last three decades. Due to reprint plans only some of the following stories are displayed here in their entirety. Over time we will endeavor to expand her past stories and appearances here and show them as full printings for your reading pleasure.
THE 80s AND THE REIKI WARRIORS - THE CFW DAYS In 1988 Murciélaga was born from the pages of a karate-themed magazine called Robowarriors by CFW Publications. Initially a supporting character in a series of stories featuring a character known as Reiki, She-Bat soon became a leading character in her own right and saw the transforamtion of the stories into an ensemble of heroes known as the Reiki Warriors. Intimately tied to the team and the cast of characters there Murciélaga also found room to develop her own character and star in her own solo stories as well. Despite the short publication life of CFW and the Robowarriors / Kung-Fu Warriors magazines this period saw the rise of her core fan base.
THE 90s AND EARLY 00s - HER OWN SERIESBegining in the early 1990s Murciélaga made her debut in her own regular monthly title published in conjunction with Heroic Publishing. Two issues were initially run with Heroic, with issue #3 being published through Revolutionary Comics. Difficulties behind the scenes led to a hiatus in publication after issue #3 ("Blood Sisters"). By 2000 She-Bat was ready to see print again, and in an effort to build renewed interest in her a special 3-issue mini series was planned.
The Murciélaga mini-series was notable for being a bilingual flipbook. Each issue had one story in English, with a different story in Spanish when flipped over. Over the three issues fans would eventually have all three stories in both languages. The mini series was well received by fans and critics, and paved the way for a new issue #1. Unfortunately there would be no new issue #2, a combination of financial challenges and a fire at Studio G derailed She-Bat's renewed life, but only for a while...
THE 10s AND REBIRTH - THE HEROIC REPRINTSAs Murciélaga enters her third decade, she is being reintroduced again through a series of reprinted stories by Heroic Publishing. Begining with the original #1, She-Bat's entire run has been offered as a reprint with continuous numbering leading up to her 25th anniversary and all new stories to follow! Through thick and thin Heroic has shown their dedication to our favorite heroine and have kept her avialable for fans and new readers alike to rediscover her!
Any and all artwork displayed herein is © Studio G, Emjee, Dærick Gröss Sr., and/or Dærick W Gröss, and is solely the property of Studio G unless otherwise noted. Murciélaga, She-Bat is © 1987-2010 Dærick Gröss Sr., all rights reserved. Selected comic book samples are © their respective owners, and are posted here for portfolio display purposes only. Questions, comments, suggestions and broken link reports (please) can be sent to: webmaster@studiogart.net.
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