Studio G, Daerick Gross Sr, and DW Gross
Daerick Gross Sr DW Gross Emjee Murcielega, the She-Bat Studio G Comics

Studio G has been many things over the years... provider of freelance commercial art and illustration services, small-press comic book publisher, and creative idea and intellectual property house. Originally known as Dærick Gröss Studios, founder Dærick Gröss Sr. renamed the studio in 1989 to Studio G. His son Dærick (DW) Gröss merged his own commercial illustration studio into Studio G in 1996 and thus brought together two separately operating creative talents under one roof. With the addition of grossgiirl, a third-generation Gröss illustrator, Studio G is set to proceed well into the future beyond the dreams and vision of our founder Dærick Sr.

Since his passing, things have been relatively quiet here as we recollect ourselves and plot out our future projects and initiatives. As you peruse this site, you may find it a tad out of date here and there, we are in the process of updating and revamping the information here as we solidfy our plans. Expect to hear more from us soon as we put some muscle behind legacy projects such as our Trumpy political lampoons and future life for Murciélaga, She-Bat. We look forward to the next adventure as we build out our Mentorship concepts in honor of Dærick Sr's lifelong passion for teaching, guiding coaching, and cheerleading future artistic talent. For all of you, new or established in your art/comics career, know that Dærick Sr loved your ideas and believed in your projects, and the rest of the Studio G fmaily does as well.

Studio is slowly but surely reinventing our presence across various social platform accounts, we'll announce here as we have revised/formal presence in place. You can find us active at the follwing sites below, we'd love to hear from you and see what it is you're working on!

Studio G account on BlueSky

Any and all artwork displayed herein is © Studio G, Emjee, Dærick Gröss Sr., and/or Dærick W Gröss, and is solely the property of Studio G unless otherwise noted. Selected comic book samples are © their respective owners, and are posted here for portfolio display purposes only. Questions, comments, suggestions and broken link reports (please) can be sent to: